About Us
Gabriel Harp, President
Kate Kerr, Vice President
Robyn Schnaible, Secretary
Rachel Patterson, Treasurer
David Wedick, Director of Coaching
Saer Huston, Assistant Director of Coaching
Matthew Lunt, Director of Communications
Marc Bissonnette, Director of Field Operations
Taylor Kay, Director of Match Play
Rich Crowley, Assistant Registrar
Lisa Vickers, Assistant Registrar
Peter Bissell, Director of Uniforms, Merchandise & Sponsorship
South Portland Strikers is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing a competitive and fun soccer experience for the youth of South Portland. South Portland Strikers plays in what is commonly referred to as the "travel" soccer league. Strikers is a member of SoccerMaine, the state governing body, and U.S. Youth Soccer, the national organization responsible for overseeing youth soccer development across the United States. Strikers seeks to provide a fun and competitive youth soccer playing experience, focused on player development.
South Portland Strikers is committed to the development and growth of young individuals through the sport of Soccer. We seek to provide all players with positive instruction and the opportunity to play in a competitive team environment.
Strikers plays in the Fall Classic League administered by SoccerMaine, which is the governing body of youth soccer in the State of Maine. Information on SoccerMaine can be found at their website, www.soccermaine.com.
The Fall season typically runs from August through early November for participation in SoccerMaine district and Challenge Cup events. There are 6 league games, most of which are scheduled on Sundays, with the first game typically on the last Sunday in August. In addition, coaches may schedule 1- 5 exhibition/friendly matches. Teams have two (2) practices each week. There are two (2) tournaments: one over Indigenous People's Day weekend (in October) and another tournament at the end of the season.
Players are expected to make a full commitment to Strikers and their team. Conflicts between Strikers games and practices and participation with other sports or teams may result in loss of game playing time. It should be noted that this is a commitment and all players should understand their obligations. It is a team sport.
Our coaches are volunteers!!!!
Still have questions about travel soccer? Please see our FAQ page or email us @ strikerssouthportland@gmail.com. We look forward to answering any questions you may have or providing you with further information
Any child who is 7 years old by July 31, 2025 is eligible to play.
*** Requests to “play up” an age group will be considered by the Strikers Board of Directors and will be granted only at the Board’s discretion.
Team participation in the Spring Pine Tree League is at the discretion of the coach and the availability of players. It is open to returning Strikers fall players only. Participation will require an additional fee.